The Reasons Microsoft Not Releasing 16GB Surface Tablet Revealed

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Microsoft Surface Tablet

Many people regretting Microsoft attitude for not releasing the 16GB Surface tablet. Whereas the consumers expect this upcoming gadget will come with a cheaper price. Now, we will know the reason behind no release of 16GB version Surface tablet.

Quoted from PhoneArena, the tablet from Microsoft that using Windows 8 RT, the Surface Tablet was released in 32 and 64GB versions only. It's because the 32GB Surface tablet only provides internal memory allocation that can be used for just 16GB.

Of course, many consumers were simply fooled by looking at the version of the internal memory. Which means the size of the internal memory shown is the memory capacity we could use to store our personal files. And even it's reduced for the OS allocation, it will not be so great as on Android tablets and the iPad.

But that was a wrong preception and is not applicable for the Surface tablet that adopted Windows 8 RT. For the Surface tablet that has 32GB internal memory, it can be said that it's not complete 32GB, due to the decimal system of 32GB was basically only 29.7GB. Why? The decimal system in Windows 8 RT is only displayed every 1GB became 0.93GB. If the result is 29.7GB for the 32GB version, then the 64GB Surface tablet real internal memory was just about 59.5GB.

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Not quite up there, that 29.7GB will also reduced by the existing System Recovery in Windows 8 RT at least for 5GB. Then for the OS, Windows 8 RT and the other default applications like Office, etc. takes an internal memory of 8GB.

Thus it can be seen that the 32GB Surface tablets internal memory that can be used by the user is just 16GB. And it's impossible for Microsoft releasing the 16GB Surface if the internal memory will be washed-up following the Windows 8 RT pattern.

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